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Corresponding Author
Myrtati D. Artaria
Department of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding author: myrtati.artaria[at]
Indonesia is one area in the world that contains many ancient sites from millions of years to hundreds of years. Studies of ancient humans in the area of Indonesia can reveal civilizations in ancient settlements, and how humans survived during those days. This research method uses archaeological excavation techniques, 2D photographs documentation, 3D documentation, osteoscopy, and literature study. We found an open burial, containing a skull. From our observations we believe that the individuals aged around 35 to 45 years, and possibly a male. The life expectation during those days seems to be shorter. The wear of teeth showed that they ate hard food. It could be that the age of this individual is younger than 35 years, if the tooth-wear scoring is based on the usual tooth-wear chart. Until now, modern humans in the Lembata Island area still like to consume pounded-fried corn they call “jagung titi”, a delicacy they eat when they have guests. This food is fairly hard, and easily wears the enamel of the teeth.
tooth-wear, attrition, Lembata, age estimate, osteoscopy
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Myrtati D. Artaria
^ Study Program of Social Sciences (IIS), FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
*Department of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: myrtati.artaria[at]
The “212 Islamic Movement” in Indonesia is a group of muslims who actively carry out political actions and standpoints in the 2019 presidential election in Indonesia. Geneologically, this group became a considerable movement in politics after the action at the 2nd of December, 2016. At that time there was an alleged blasphemy of Basuki Gunawan—nicknamed Ahok, the Governor of Jakarta in 2012-2017. Recently this group becomes a prominent congregation of some muslims that carried out a critical outlook towards JokoWidodo-s government. This group actively criticize the President-s policy because they believe that he does not taking the side of the Indonesian people, and they assume that he gives more benefit to foreign, especially Chinese businessemen. This study aimed to know the perspectives in the 2019 presidential election in Indonesia. This study interviewed 7 (seven) informants who were representatives of the “212 Islamic Movement”. We found that most important figures from this group sided with Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno presidential candidate, rather than with Joko Widodo and his partner, although Widodo-s next vice president is a prominent Muslim clerics--Maaruf Amien. Amien is one of the role models of muslims, and it is somekind of contradiction that the “212 Islamic Movement” does not support him as a vice president. We conclude that there is a new phenomenon in the presidential election, where there is an impartiality of Islamic figures on an ulama.
contradiction, Islam movement, president election, new perspective
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Myrtati D. Artaria
Dept. Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
(*) Corresponding author: myrtati.artaria[at]
Dentitions are part of the human body that is very durable. They give clues such as age at death, origin, and lifestyle. Lewoleba is one of the archaeological sites in Indonesia that contains important findings related to the history of Indonesian people. Fragmented human skeletons and teeth are some of the finding in the excavations sites. The purpose of this study was to identify the teeth found on this site, to examine the dental characteristics, so that we have clues regarding the origin of these people. We observe the teeth and score the dental traits found in the site. A number of 4 (four) teeth were observed. The scoring of dental traits was based on ASUDAS scoring system. Our results showed that the teeth were from Mongoloid descent. We found shovel shaped incisors and mild double shovel incisors. We also found that there was a neatly crafted hole on each root of the tooth. The size of the holes was uniformed. We believe that the teeth were used as a form of body ornament. We conclude that the teeth we found are a sign of the existence of culture using human dentition as a body ornament. Although the teeth are from the Mongoloid population group, we were unable to ascertain whether the teeth were from the same population as the people who are wearing the ornament, because we had not found a complete set of teeth on the buried skeletons.
dental traits, Lewoleba, archaeological site, Mongoloid, origin
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Nur Widad Mazaya
(a) Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
(b) Institut Agama Islam Almuslim Aceh
Norm is a rule that can not be separated from society. Norm is a group to create a safe and peaceful life according to human nature. Even norm is a binding and compelling rule; a society who applies norm may not feel burdened because norm becomes a part of their life. This research aims to analyze: (1) the forms of mores and folkways norm; (2) the shape of norm deviation; (3) the causes of norm deviation, and (4) the impacts of norm deviation to the main character in Srikandi novel by Heru HS based on Emile Durkheims perspective. The type of research is qualitative research. The techniques of data collection used are reading and taking notes. The techniques of data analysis used are Miles and Hubermans that consist of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This research results show that: (1) the forms of mores and folkways norm happened in Srikandi novel are departure to the temple to perform a thanksgiving ritual accompanied by traditional music instrument and an irregularity for a women who shows muscularity in her attitude; (2) the forms of norm deviation are gender transformation done by Srikandi and a princess- marriage; (3) the causes of norm deviation happened are caused by pressure from conflicts between Srikandi and Arjuna and her failure in adaptation to the rules applied, and (4) the impact of norm deviation is society-s insult to Arjuna who considered that he can-t guide his wife.
Deviation; Folkways; Mores; Norm
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Ian Firstian Aldhi
Student of Master Program Study of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia
e-mail : ian.firstian.aldhi-2018[at]
The current generation is experiencing a cultural identity crisis and nationalism, people are more interested in imported products than domestic products. Generation Y is the generation that grew up in the internet era and generation Z is the first global generation that has real expectations in their workplaces, career-oriented, generation of ambitious professionals, technical abilities and high level of language knowledge. Digitizing the Keraton Nusantara Festival (FKN) is an idea that aims to update access to the information of the Keraton Nusantara and overhaul the contemporary generation paradigm of the palace. FKN Digitization Agenda has 3 important points, namely (1) Massive and Effective Palace of Branding, (2) Palace of Big Data, (3) Indonesian Empire Ultra Festival. With enthusiasm optimistically this FKN Digitizing agenda has a positive impact on all aspects, economically, it is very good for the present generation of Indonesia to be more proud and concerned about their own native culture and increase their sense of nationalism into their soul.
Multicultural Education, Generation Y, Generation X, Identity Crisis
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Sylvia Kurniawati Ngonde
Faculty of Psychology in Widya Mandala Catholic University in Surabaya
This study investigates community empowerment to stop violence against woman. It is focused on the implementation process of the empowerment plan for environmental activists who are the main executors of the program. This community empowerment program is based on a local wisdom that prioritizes life balance for minimizing violence. This study uses a qualitative method, an ethnographic research model. Participants are environmental activists and regional officers. Data collection methods are in-depth interview, pictures, audio recording, and field notes. This study uses a thematic analysis to explore the socio-cultural aspects that develop in society. This study synergizes the meanings in Rappaport-s, Zimmerman-s and Wandersman-s empowerment theory and the Interactive Systems Framework (ISF) of dissemination and implementation theory and also starts to explore the meaning of the ISF theory application. Therefore, this study aims to describe the community-s life dynamic that still have to be understood and explored in the future.
The interactive Systems Framework of dissemination and implementation
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Myrtati D. Artaria
*Study Programs of Media and Communication, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
^Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
**Dept. of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: myrtati.artaria[at]
In Bali, gays have started to emerge and grow in number. They leave their traces in various social-media to reveal themselves or expect to find their partners. This self-exposure on public has different forms, starting from introducing themselves which may eventually bring into building a relationship or simply ending the communication due to lack of relational compatibility with their same sex partner. This research aims to find out the way how gays reveal their identity, especially in their family environment. This study uses quantitative research methods using questionnaires, with a total of 40 respondents living in Seminyak, Bali. Data analysis uses descriptive statistics which examine or describe the data that has been collected, as it is, without making or giving any general conclusion. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the vast majority of gays in Bali possess a very good interpersonal communication with their families, as shown by the five indicators of interpersonal communication that have been formed well among their family members in the communication framework processes related to inner harmonious relationships with their family.
homosexuality, interpersonal communication, family, self-exposure
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Ruhamaul Waro
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jalan Gajayana No 50 Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Social interaction is a relationship between individuals, and individuals with groups. A form of interaction can be described through prepositions, including successful prepositions, stimulus prepositions, value prepositions, and prepositions for the blessing of aggression. Every preposition in social interaction can-t be separated from reward, both realistic and non-realistic. This study aims to analyze social interaction propositions and forms of rewards that influence social interaction in the Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas novel by J.S. Khairen based on George Caspar Homans- perspective. The type of research used is qualitative research. Data collection techniques used are reading and taking notes. The data validation techniques are an extension of time, increasing perseverance, triangulation, and peer discussions. The technique of data analysis in this study is Miles and Huberman-s analysis models that consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are successful preposition that formed in establishment of a friendship caused by a reward in solidarity and caring between individuals and occurrence of a services transaction in the form of money for services rendered, stimulus preposition that formed in the introvert attitude caused by rewards in the form of insults and invective in the past, and prepositions for the blessing of aggression that formed in rebellion caused by over-protective and seemingly restraining attitudes and an absence caused by boring.
novel, proposition, reward, social interaction
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Universitas Airlangga
For Minang people, migrating to other cities is not just about a migration which move out from their homeland leaving their friends, parents, even their wives and their children, but it is more than that. Migrating to other cities is a form of tradition which has passed down from one generation to another generation, and it is also a forms of a struggle to become more valuable human beings especially in view of their personal beings and family, so in their societies in general. This study used a qualitative analysis approach in revealing the adaptation of Minang migrants taken from various professions in Surabaya. The results of the study show that Minangs philosophical and cultural values not only helping in the process of adaptation in their daily life and their working environment but also playing an important role in shaping the characters of Minang migrants in Surabaya that have impacts on their work performance.
Philosophical, cultural values, performance.
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
Corresponding Author
Riska Dwi Yuniarti Pratiwi
Magister Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga
Traditional art born and developed in the life of the traditional society as a support the existence of the arts. Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis” in Pucung village, Balongpanggang sub district, Gresik regency is one of traditional art organization that still exist until now. This art combined a number of elements of art such as music art, motion, makeup, the fashion, and sound. Those elements such are containing the hidden meaning inside. Hence the problems that were studied is how history of the establishment of arts organization a Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis”, how the arts performances of a Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis”, and what does the hidden meaning inside in art organization a Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis”. The purpose of this research to add study insight associated with art organization Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis”, so researchers will recognize meaning contained in the music. A method used in this study is descriptive method with a qualitative approach, which uses the technique data collection by means of observation and interview. Researchers used interpretative symbolic theory of Clifford Geertz by approach textual in analyzed data. The result of this research is an organization art a Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis” standing in the ± 1955. In 2010 until now, this organization is being led by Mr Mustahip. The form of art performances organization a Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis” which is held during the daytime from 1 pm-5pm and night from 8.30 p.m.-01.00 gmt . The difference performances by day and night are the time and place performances. The meaning inside in an art a Kincak Kuda Kincak “Sekar Manis” are the clothing, movement, makeup, music, property, song, pray, characters, and the offerings. The Padang Bulan and Sholawatan songs reflected the value of Islamic value that can alert everyone to our Lord. All the offerings should be complete because including demand related to all things (ubor rampe), in order to avoid undesirable event.
meaning, kuda kincak art, Sekar Manis
Human Mobility and Culture Diversity
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